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路透社报道称,一些分析师认为,这些消息可能会进一步推迟737 MAX的复飞事件,但美国联邦航空管理局的官员称,他们并不希望这些消息影响到11月初对737 MAX进行认证飞行的最初计划。美国联邦航空管理局称,从认证飞行开始至少需要30天时间才能结束停飞。

The retrospect of monetary policy in China shows that the necessary conditions for monetary policy transformation have been satisfied, but we also point out that the practice of monetary policy in modern sense lasts for only around twenty years, after abandoning the direct controls on credit behavior and turning to the quantity indirect policy with the money supply as the intermediate target in 1998. Central bank in China is always confronting the impetus of investment and credit expansion due the traditional growth-led economic mode. Because of the governmental preference to a higher growth rate, there are soft budget constraint sectors such as the local government vehicles, stated owned firms and housing industry enterprises. The supervisory affaires of the central bank in China were separated. While, due to the industry development dominance of the supervisory ideology, there are race to the bottom in the financial supervision, which promote the rapid growth of the shadow banking in recent years and financial risks are accumulated heavily. Although there is enough market breadth of the financial market, there are still too strict regulations and the market depth is relatively low. The monetary markets and bond markets are still separated, the admittance of the market, esp. the derivative markets are sill strictly controlled, the financial products are immature and there are still implicit dual interest track. The exchange rate is still lack of edacity.

zn*沪锌1811合约:大趋势震荡,小趋势震荡,趋势不明确,建议观望ni*沪镍1811合约:大趋势空头,小趋势受情绪回稳,期镍探底回升,暂观望al*沪铝1811合约:大趋势反弹,小趋势空头,走势动荡,关键位14500附近第二象限(交换象限)——股市“V形”反转 上证收涨超1%


虽然目前人民币汇率浮动区间很少限制市场化汇率水平,但扩大汇率浮动区间仍是加快深化汇率市场化改革的信号。从长远看,人民币汇率完全由市场供求决定和清洁浮动,始终是我国金融改革的目标(易纲,2016)。不过,我国外汇市场广度深度相对有限,一定程度上也影响了合理均衡汇率的形成和清洁浮动(管涛,2018)。2005 年汇率形成机制改革以来,中国人民银行在扩大外汇市场参与主体和市场品种、发展外汇衍生品市场等方面进行了大量工作,陆续推出了远期、掉期、货币掉期、期权等基础的人民币外汇衍生产品。但是,根据金融为实体经济服务的要求,我国一直强调人民币外汇衍生品交易的实需原则,所有外汇交易必须有真实、合规的贸易或者投融资背景。在资本跨境流动仍存在较多限制,经常账户持续顺差情况下,企业外汇需求净头寸方向变化不大。在实需原则下,银行只是根据企业外汇交易头寸进行外汇衍生品交易,银行又都是风险厌恶者,根据企业外汇需求的外汇市场交易方向基本一致,这不利于外汇价格的发现。从成熟市场的经验看,如果没有适度的投机,就容易影响外汇市场功能的发挥。境外无本金交割的人民币远期(即 NDF)之所以能够随时出清,就是因为市场参与者既有套保的、也有投机的,市场才有足够的流动性。正是由于实需原则的限制,目前国内外汇市场广度深度仍然有限。根据 BIS 统计,2016 年 4 月全球人民币外汇市场日均交易量中,在岸市场仅占全球人民币日均外汇市场交易量的 36%,其中,在岸人民币外汇即期和衍生品日均交易量占比分别为 43.6%和 32.3%。

改革开放以来,为调动地方发展经济的积极性,我国形成了 GDP 导向的“锦标赛”增长模式(周黎安,2007)。地方政府主要通过基础设施建设、发展重化工业等方式促进经济增长。同时,2004 年土地全面“招拍挂”后,土地收益完全归地方政府所有,城镇化和房地产投资成为推动地方经济和增加财政收入的重要途径。基建和重化工业投资主要依赖地方政府平台和国有企业,而房地产又有着“大而不倒”的软约束特征。因此,在政府过度关注经济增长导向下,我国存在着地方融资平台、国有企业和房地产企业等大量预算软约束部门,有着强烈的债务扩张刺激经济的内在动力(纪敏等,2017)。1990 年代中期的经济过热和信贷规模管理失效,很大程度上就与地方过度投资倒逼再贷款密切相关。
